We all know how life changing a retreat or holiday can be. Whether it’s by yourself or with your best friends or colleagues.
“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
Is this retreat for you?
All retreats are offered in unique places around Aotearoa/ New Zealand.
- Ideal for businesspeople who need a break
- Going through a difficult time and need to unwind and relax
- Want to reconnect with yourself in stillness and a safe environment while being guided

- Ideal for friends and groups
- Option to choose your favourite or bucket list location
- Make it to your own need and wants. Decide what you want and what will be included
- Ideal for couples that wish to reconnect and have a healthy private space provided while relaxing
- Ideal for HR or business owners wanting to consolidate a team
- Enhancing relationships and working on communication skills and goals
- Introduce or re-enforce the importance of wellness and a healthy lifestyle
- Obtain better results at work and more committed employees
- Establish smart goals individually and as a team

We’ve made sure that you’ll have a complete wellness experience, having the time that you wished
for. You’ll enjoy relaxing, learning new things about nutrition and lifestyle choices with the
guidance of your Health Coach.
Your experience includes mindfully walking every day, an introduction to the simple art of
meditating and gentle stretch/yoga. You’ll be having the most delicious and clean, healthy menu
provided along with interactive, fun workshops during the day.
Our accommodation options include: our beautiful lux hotel – surrounded by lakes, creeks, birds
and trees.
Or, if you love the beach, then you may prefer our beautiful house by the ocean – where you can
enjoy deep silence and stillness.
Both options encourage you to go back to self-love and self-care. Included are massages, reiki,
group hypnosis, health coaching, creative connection to source, chef healthy creations for every
meal and a space to relax and be yourself.
- Locations are now available on Southland, NZ
- Stewart Island, Southland
- Queenstown, Otago
- Karitane, Dunedin
- Cromwell
- Riverton
*Places & options are available upon request
Walking is one of the main ways we can calm our mind. Through exercise, we can rewire and reset
our brains, creating a peaceful and rejuvenating experience. Here you will learn mindful techniques
that you can apply in your daily life.
For more information and prices on private group and business options, send me and email: